Why urinating is important

The body takes what it needs, but the waste has to go somewhere. Thanks to the kidneys and pee, it has a way to get out. When you're asked to give a urine sample during a doctor's visit, the results reveal how well your two kidneys are working.

For example, white blood cells in the urine can be a sign of an infection. Pee also is a way for your body to keep the right amount of water. Did you ever notice that if you drink a lot, you pee more and the pee is pale yellow? That's because your body is getting rid of extra water and your pee has more water in it than usual. Let's talk more about how the kidneys filter blood. When blood goes through the kidneys, water and some of the other stuff that is in blood like protein, glucose, and other nutrients go back into the bloodstream, while the waste and excess stuff is taken out.

Urine is what is left behind. But what is it exactly? Once pee is produced, it travels from the kidney to the bladder, where it's stored until you need to go to the bathroom. The bladder expands as it fills; when it's full, nerve endings in the bladder wall send a message to the brain that you need to pee.

When you're in the bathroom, ready to go, the bladder walls contract and the sphincter a ringlike muscle that guards the exit from the bladder to the urethra relaxes. Urethra is also a part of male reproductive system, carrying the sperms out of the body through penis.

Urethral Sphincter Muscles controls the internal and external flow of Urine. Kidney is majorly responsible for homeostasis by carrying several toxicity outside the body:. Ions — Kidneys extracts sodium, calcium, potassium, chloride, phosphate and magnesium and throws it out of the body in the form of Urine. Osmolarity — Kidneys controls the amount of water filtered outside the body and maintains the osmotic balance in the body. Blood Pressure — Kidneys continuously monitors the blood pressure to maintain the Homeostasis.

Kidneys remove excessive waste from the blood through filtration process. Our blood consists of unwanted substances coming from things we eat and drink. Kidney automatically removes excessive salts and minerals to leave just the quantity the body needs. Every day about liters of blood passes through the Kidneys via the renal arteries. Millions of tiny filters, called glomeruli, inside the Kidneys separate wastes and water from the blood.

When the Urine passes from Ureters to Urinary Bladder, it starts filling up the bladder and when it reaches the maximum level, the brain and the spinal cord get the signal. These signals cause relaxation of the internal Urethral Sphincter and cause the sensation of needing to Urinate.

Urination can be delayed as long as the Urinary Bladder does not exceed its maximum filling volume, but as the volume increases nerve signals gets stronger leading to greater discomfort and desire to urinate. Kidneys deal with several Hormones during the entire process namely:.

To make sure that you maintain a healthy urinary system, keep an eye out for any signs or symptoms of problems. Some signs and symptoms of urinary system problems include:. Normal, healthy urine is a pale or clear yellow color.

If you experience a dark, brownish color, you should see a urologist as it could indicate signs of liver problems or very severe dehydration. If you notice any signs or symptoms of urinary problems, contact a urologist today.

They will start with a urinalysis to study the chemical makeup of your urine and look for any signs of infection. There are also urodynamic tests available that will help your urologist better understand how your bladder is working. Throughout your life, you will likely experience at least one type of urinary system disorder.

Some of the most common types of urinary system disorders include:. Urinary tract infections are one of the most common types of urinary system conditions. Women get them more frequently due to anatomical reasons, but men can be affected by UTIs too.

Urinary incontinence occurs when you involuntarily release urine. While it can be embarrassing, there are treatment options to help mitigate accidents.

If you have difficulty or trouble emptying your bladder, you may be experiencing urinary retention. Kidney or ureteral stones occur when calcium deposits build up in your kidneys. These deposits become small stones that need to travel through your urinary system and out the urethra. Because of this, kidney stones are often very painful.

If the kidney stones are too big, your urologist may recommend using a procedure to help break them down before you try to pass them. This only affects men as it involves the prostate gland.

Benign prostatic hyperplasia is another term for an enlarged prostate, which often directly affects how the urinary system functions.


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