Can i christen my baby in any church

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Track my baby. You might also like. Most popular in Life as a parent. See all in Community. See all in Getting Pregnant. See all in Pregnancy. See all in Preschooler. Then instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you. Again, it depends on the church. The church will definitely want you to keep coming back after your child is baptised. The other members of the church would love to see you back too.

Many people find having a faith community around them helpful in raising their child to know Jesus. In saying this it may be possible to raise your child to know God outside the church if you have a solid faith.

The best and only real way I see this working is if you make bible reading a priority — ask God questions about it as you go and ask him to help you understand it. It makes it much easier to talk with your child about God and answer their questions if you have spent time digging into the bible yourself. Thank you for reading this article. Showing love to my kids is not always easy.

Kris is a funny guy who knows his stuff and breaks down each chapter of the bible making it easy to understand and super interesting. I like to listen while driving or doing a repetitive task. It made the bible seem more real and the people in the stories more real. It made me actually want to read the bible. The short daily readings are written as though Jesus is talking directly to me and is so powerful. I'm the owner of thepuregift.

I'm also a mum of 3 kids enjoying life in country South Australia. Christenings or baptisms - are they the same thing? If they are then why do they have two different names?

This used to really confuse me. I remember searching for a baptism card at the shop, but all Does a child need to have godparents to be baptised? By clicking 'Continue' you agree to allow us to collect information through cookies. Christening, or infant baptism, is a ceremony in which the parents of a baby make solemn promises to raise their son or daughter as a follower of Jesus.

The parents are not alone in making promises. They can nominate friends to be godparents. These godparents also make vows to help raise the child as a Christian. And there is an opportunity for everyone else at the church service to join in too by promising their support for the parents and godparents in this task. Many churches baptise young children.

Others, such as the Baptist or Pentecostal churches, welcome the child into the church with a service of thanksgiving or dedication, but wait until the child is an adult and able to make a decision on their own before baptising them. Any parent interested in having their baby christened should talk to the minister or priest at their local church to find out more.

It is an opportunity to discuss the prayers and promises involved in the service and talk more about what it means to be a follower of Jesus. Some churches offer parents a short course to learn more about the Christian faith before the christening takes place. Christenings and dedications usually take place as part of regular church services. Baptism involves either being sprinkled with water or total immersion in it.


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