James hansen why i must speak out

Click here to learn more on "how to Dotsub". Last Modified By Time Content tedtalks What do I know tedtalks that would cause me, tedtalks a reticent, Midwestern scientist, tedtalks to get myself arrested tedtalks in front of the White House protesting? Let's start with how I got to this point.

Did it mean that Venus had an ionosphere? But while our instrument was being built,. Its changes will affect all of humanity. The greenhouse effect had been well understood. And he showed that gasses such as CO2 absorb heat,. That Earth would likely warm in the 's,.

That paper was reported on the front page of the New York Times. Heatwaves and droughts on one hand,. There will be stronger storms and greater flooding. Most of the things mentioned in our paper.

But energy policies continued to focus. I gave the talk at the University of Iowa in After I informed the New York Times. NASA was forced to end the censorship. Soon the first line of the mission statement.

Let me describe the most important conclusion from the physics It reduces Earth's heat radiation to space,. If so, more warming is in the pipeline.

It will occur without adding any more greenhouse gasses. The biggest reservoir, the ocean, was the least well measured,.

The deep ocean is also gaining heat at a smaller rate,. And the land, to depths of tens of meters,. That is the change needed to restore energy balance. But the measured energy imbalance occurred.

Yet, there was more energy coming in than going out. CC Videos. Editor's Picks. Press Releases. Action Alert. Feed Burner. Bradley Manning. India Burning. Mumbai Terror. Financial Crisis. AfPak War. Peak Oil. Alternative Energy.

Climate Change. US Imperialism. US Elections. Latin America. Gujarat Pogrom. Kandhamal Violence. India Elections.


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